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M42 Multicolor, Braulio Guerra

M42 Multicolor

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M42 Multicolor, Braulio Guerra

M42 Multicolor



Acquisition details



This astrophotography integrates 6 hours of January 21, 2023 with the ZWO 2600 mono camera and another 6 hours of January 21, 2024 with the ZWO 2600 Mono Camera. On January 29, add 4 more hours of integration with the ZWO 2600 DUO Color Camera. 16 hours of integration in total. In this first experiment of mixing the same monochrome camera with color images, the magic of a multicolored Orion nebula was achieved. With full integration into pixinsight in wbpp, images in LRGB HSO Palette and photographs taken with the color camera in RGB. With color calibration and color assistant in pixinsight, the Orion nebula began to take on colors that it had not been able to obtain before in other shots at M42, saturating it a little, highlighting the colors and details of this important object in the celestial sky. Takahashi FQS-106ED ZWO 2600M and 2600 Color DUO camera. SkyWatcher CQ350 Guided. 120 Zwo. 250 mm tube. Pixinsight 16 hours of LRGB SHO + Darks, Flats, Bias integration. Observatory: The Roof of Orion. #Querétaro #Mexico Braulio Guerra Urbiola.



M42 Multicolor, Braulio Guerra